Workshop Updates and History

Workshop Updates and History

Nov 2023


  • Verified that all SimpleLink and C2000 lab solutions build using CCS v12.5.0.
  • Tools & Software document updated to show CCS v12.5.

July 2023


  • Verified that all SimpleLink and C2000 lab solutions build using CCS v12.4.0.
  • Additionally, verified that the C2000 labs build with C2000ware v5.00.00.00.
  • Updated workshop datasheet.
  • For C2000:
    • Added board connection pictures to Section 0.6 and the Lab 2A procedure.
    • Added RAM build configuration settings to driverlib projects (Labs 2 thru 4). See the latest workshop zip file for the updated solution files.
    • Combined F28379D and F28388D lab solutions into a single download zip file.

May 2023



  • Workshop labs (Lab_08_logs) updated for new TI-RTOS7 Log instrumentation.
  • With SDK v7.10 (for CC3220 and CC1352), TI changed the TI-RTOS logging methods for TI-RTOS 7, which was not fully compatible with their previous solution.
  • TI considers their current Log implementation BETA... so we will continue to test and update our lab solutions, as needed.
  • Additionally, our solutions were verified against the new CC1352 SDK v7.10.


  • With SDK v7.10 (for CC3220), TI changed the TI-RTOS logging methods for TI-RTOS 7.
  • Logging is now configured with the SYSConfig tool.
  • Unfortunately, this big change broke our logging lab (Lab_08_logs).
  • We should have an update posted next week.

April 2023


  • Verified that labs build okay for SimpleLink and C2000 SDKs using CCS 12.3.

January 2023


  • Verified that all lab solutions build using CCS v12.2.0.
  • We now support (and recommend) CC1352 SDK v6.40. Using the new CCS v12.2, the lab solutions for CC1352 now build correctly when using SDK v6.40.
  • Updated Workshop Datasheet.


  • Updated Workshop Datasheet.
  • Released updated lab solutions for SimpleLink users. This includes a number of minor errata changes but nothing substantive.

December 2022

  • (At this time) we recommend that CC1352 users avoid SDK v6.40. At this time, because TI hasn't released Sysconfig 1.15, any TI examples (or TI-RTOS Workshop lab exercises) will fail to build. For now, it's better to stick with SDK v6.30.

November 2022

  • Validated solutions using CCS v12.1
  • CC1352 validated against SDK 6.30

Aug/Sept 2022

  • Validated solutions using CCS v12.
  • For CC1352/CC3220, workshop solutions are now available for TI SimpleLink SDK v6.20.
    • Updated videos and lab instructions to address both versions of TI-RTOS. Three additional videos were added to address TI-RTOS 7.
    • The labs also needed to be reworked to address the new TI ARM C compiler (nicknamed "ticlang"). As of SDK v6.20, the older TI ARM Compiler (nicknamed "ccs") was deprecated. This required us to tweak our CCS projects in order for them to work with the new ARM compiler.
  • Most SimpleLink (CC13xx, CC33xx) lab instructions were modified to include TI-RTOS 7. Only two labs needed to be rewritten to handle the new version: Lab 6B and Lab 8.
    • Lab 6B was rewritten since XGCONF GUI was deprecated. TI-RTOS 7 uses the SysConfig tool to configure the RTOS kernel.
    • Lab 8 was rewritten since most of the TI-RTOS instrumentation does not (yet) work for TI-RTOS 7.
  • For the CC1352/CC3220, there are (sic) four different workshop ZIP file options that can be downloaded. Which one you will use depends upon which version of the Compiler and TI-RTOS you are using. (Long term, everything will use TI-RTOS with the TIclang compiler.)
  • Errata updates were made for the C6000 Architecture and C6000 TI-RTOS workshops.
  • (09/24/2022) Minor errata updates to Labs 2, 3, and 4. (Thanks for the errata reporting!)

July 2022 Update

  • Validated workshop MCU lab solutions against CCS v12.0.

May 2022 Update

May 21st, 2022

  • Released C2000 version of the "Getting Started with TI-RTOS" workshop!
  • CC1352 and CC3220 lab solutions were verified against CCS v11.2 and SDK v6.10.

January 2022 Update

Jan 8th, 2022

  • Added support for AM335x processors!
  • Added BONUS lab exercise for BIOS Timer module (see the new Lab 10b).
  • Verified labs build using CCS 11.1.0
  • Updated CC1352 for SDK The name of the SDK changed slightly. It also tweaked the syscfg files.
  • Updated CC3220 for SDK There was a slight tweak to the syscfg files.
  • Minor improvements, clarifications and errata corrections to many workshop lab documents (Chapters: 1a, 2a, 2b, 3b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8, 9, 10a 10b, 11, 12).

August 2021

Aug 8th, 2021

  • Added new Lab 04D example that uses the GPTimer driver. (No lab instructions; it's just an example.)
  • Errata fixes for Lab Instructions: 4c, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 9, 10a.
  • Updated TimerCallback prototype.
  • Minor tweaks and errata fixes for lab solutions.

July 2021 Update

July 17th, 2021

  • CC3220 and CC1352 workshops updated for SDK v5.20. (Minor change in CC3220 MCU+Image CCS build configuration.)
  • Verified lab solutions for all architectures build using CCS v10.4.

May 2021 Update

May 21st, 2021

  • Verified all architectures against CCS 10.3.1.

April 2021 Updates

April 17th, 2021

  • CC3220 and CC1352 architectures updated for SDK v5.10.
  • All SimpleLink architectures projects build against CCS v10.3.

April 14th, 2021

Mar 2021 -- C6000 Workshop Released to Production

 March 5th, 2021

  • Full workshop release with videos, hands-on lab instructions, and lab solutions for the C6748 LCDK (and OMAP-L138 LCDK).

Jan 2021 Update

  • Updated for CCS 10.2.0 and SDK 4.40 (CC3220).

Nov 2020 Update

  • C6000 DSP version in beta release.

Oct 2020 Update

  • Updated for CCS 10.1.1 and SDK 4.30 (CC1352, CC3220).

Aug 2020 Update

  • Fixed incorrect Task_sleep() timings for CC1352 - Lab 8 solutions.

July 2020 Update

  • Updated for CCS 10.1 and SDK 4.20 (CC1352, CC3220, MSP432E401).

June 2020 Update

  • Installation Guide updated for CCSv10.1 and SimpleLink SDK v4.20. Note, though, that the SDK for MSP432Pxx devices is 3.40.

April 2020 Update

  • Installation Guide updated for CCSv10 and SimpleLink SDK v4.10.
  • Updated CC1352 to use Timer Driver (now that it's been added to the SDK).

Jan 2020 Update

  • Validated lab files against CCSv9.3.
  • Labs updated to SimpleLink SDK v3.40.

Dec 2019 Update

  • Released workshop version 2.0.
  • Major update includes support for TI's new SYSCFG tool.

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